Belts of Kids Amusement Rides


      It is known to everyone that good safety protection is very necessary and important for kids amusement rides. Safety belt is a good way of safety protection, which can greatly reduce chances of dangers to kids when they play the rides if it is installed correctly and effectively. Then we should know about what kinds of kids amusement rides are suitable for belts, and remind kids to restrain belts and ensure they can be safety used.
     First, some kids amusement rides, such as dynamic train or other similar types, should be installed belts, because the speed of this train is usually relatively faster, and its inertia is also larger, so belts must be installed.
     Second, for kid amusement rides like turntable or tagada, we should also install belts to avoid the danger of falling down from the high air.
     Third, kids amusement rides with some bumps or high resistance activity, such as bumper car, should also be installed belts.
    Therefore, good protection devices and good belts should be installed to make sure and improve the safety performance of kids amusement rides.
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