Dig, Dig, Dig! Best Amusement Park Rides from Sinorides-Based in China

Find out 2014 best amusement rides for your park, SINORIDES  (Henan Swonder Amusement Rides Co., Ltd), is a professional manufacturer of amusement rides as well as a service provider  for amusement parks.

Here is a list of amusement park rides for your choice, pick up your favorite amusement ride. You also can click the website parkridesforsale.com for online service.
一、刺激类Thrill rides
1. 大摆锤 super pendulum
2. 能源风暴 energy claw
3. 24座摇头飞椅 24-seats flying chair
4. 36座摇头飞椅 36-seats flying chair
5. 神州飞碟 magic bowl
6. 40座TAGADA
7. 16座海盗船 16p pirate ship
8. 24座海盗船 24p pirate ship
9. 40座海盗船 40p pirate ship
10. 弹跳机 rotating bounce

二、家庭类family rides
1. 青虫滑车 caterpillar slide
2. 滑行龙   dragon coaster
3. 摩天环车 Ferris wheel ring
4. 空中射击 spiral jet
5. 12座自控飞机 self-control plane
6. 16座自控飞机 16p aero plane ride
7. 摩登时代 modern time
8. 旋转章鱼 octopus
9. 神州飞象 swing elephant
10. 双人飞天 double flying
11. 蜗牛特工队 snail attacking
12. 16座转马 16p carousel
13. 24座转马 24p carousel
14. 咖啡杯 coffee cup
15. 逍遥水母jellyfish
16. 桑巴气球 samba balloon
17. 旋转小蜜蜂 happy honeybee
18. 袋鼠跳     happy kangaroo
19. 登月飞车 carnival bike
20. 太空环 human gyroscope
21. 碰碰车 bumper car
22. 阿凡达 Blue Star Rides

三、儿童类kiddie rides
1. 狂车飞舞 bouncing car
2. 趣味飞机 funny plane
3. 人鱼公主mermaids
4. 旋转飞机 rotating plane
5. 星球大战 star war
6. 旋转海盗船 swing Viking
7. 青蛙跳 jumping frog
8. 单面观览车 Mini Ferris Wheel-Single Face
9. 双面观览车 Mini Ferris Wheel-Double Face
10. 儿童海盗船 mini pirate ship
11. 迷你穿梭  mini bus
12. 动物王国 animal land
13. 卡通火车 cartoon train
14. 毛虫火车 caterpillar train
15. 精灵之旅 fairy trip
16. 丛林探险 safari
17. 追逐坦克 tank perusal
18. 跟踪追击 Snail Attacking Rides
19. 瓢虫乐园Ladybird Carousel Rides
20. 小摆锤 small pendulum
21. 水果飞椅 fruit swing ride
22. 海洋飞椅 mini flying chair

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