What are the most popular kids amusement rides in parks?

Summer is coming, today to introduce a water rides - Snail Attacking Rides.

Snail Attacking Rides is genetically equine game machines, the equipment perfectly to rotate and shoot water together and take advantage of the kids love shooting nature, this amusement park equipment is very popular with the children's favorite.

The rides center is a frog, the frog can spit water. Surrounded fitted with lotus, fish and other animal shapes, very cute, bright color equipment.

Each cabin has two gun device, kids can use water jet of water. If the frog hit the center of the target, the center of the device can spray and with music.

Snail Attacking Rides need small investment play equipment, and low cost. Common voltage to run, interesting, easy to operate easy disassembly, suitable for indoor and outdoor mobile and flexible operations.

amusement park rides

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